14 November 2008


Oh, this is exciting!
For as long as we’ve realized that the stars were just other suns, much farther away, people have wondered if there are planets orbiting those stars. It seemed logical; we have no reason to believe that there is anything special or unique about our solar system, so why couldn’t an untold number of them have formed in more or less the same way, all across the universe?
But realizing that something is logically true and knowing it to actually be true are two different things. And unlike stars, planets don’t give off light, which makes them really hard to spot at the kind of distances we’re talking about when discussing even our own arm of the Milky Way.
A few years ago astronomers were able to determine that several nearby stars did have planets orbiting them, by measuring the way the stars wobbled as the gravity of the moving planets pulled them back and forth, but we still couldn’t see them. It was comforting to know for sure that they were there, but rather unsatisfying.
Well, brothers and sisters, 2008 can now be remembered for (among many other reasons) being the year that we first saw, actually saw and photographed, an extra-Solar planet. More than one, actually. Christian Marois and a team from British Columbia found three planets around one of the stars in the constellation Pegasus, called HR 8799, about 130 light years away.
130 light years is pretty serious business on a human scale, but cosmically speaking this star is right down the street. But even better, there’s a star named Formalhaut which is only 25 light years away from us; in galactic terms, we’re practically roommates. Formalhaut is sleeping on our sofa, basically. It is a very young star, still surrounded by the cloud that planets form out of. And in May, Paul Kalas and a team of astronomers from UC-Berkeley found a planet floating in that cloud.
The new planet is about three times the size of Jupiter, and it’s close enough to Earth that our radio signals have been reaching it for nearly a century. Unfortunately, we can be pretty sure there isn’t any intelligent life there (the system is only about 60 million years old; when Earth was that old it still didn’t even have a solid crust), but it’s pretty awesomely cool anyway.
In fact, I’d like to suggest a name for as-yet-unnamed planet: Coolestthingevertopia. Or how about Terra Fabulousica?  I wonder who you submit ideas like that to.  To all readers:  submit your choice of name now, and we’ll send them all in together.

04 November 2008

Obama, NO. McCain, NO. Mercer, YES!

Okay, I know you’re all stressed about the election, just dying for some news, ANY news, to see what direction the country’s gonna be going in for the next few years. Well, I’m here to save the day.
Not by giving you news, of course. I don’t have much yet, either. Instead, I’m gonna give you a quick break from having to take this election seriously, just for a few minutes. Go read this story about the man who SHOULD have become our first African-American President (although he claims he would only have been the second), and laugh your asses off. I’ve been saving it since February, just for you guys, just for tonight. Enjoy yourselves, and report back here later.

01 November 2008

Somewhat hopeful...

Okay, I know not everyone agrees with me on this, but I love the Friday the 13th film series. They’re just a big messy glorious pile of dumb, and they make me happy, which is why I own nine of the ten films on DVD (does someone wanna get me F13-9: Jason Goes To Hell for Bogey Day?).
So part of me is a little bit pissed-off and horrified that they’re doing a Rob Zombie-style reboot of the series rather than just making F13-11 (and also that Michael Bay is apparently involved). But another part of me is kinda fascinated by it. And today I ran across the new teaser trailer online, and I gotta say, it’s pretty effective:
Friday The 13th in HD

So, yeah. That right there pretty much guarantees that I’ll be in the theater on 2/13/9 catching the new film. I like that they’ve returned to a more active Jason, like in the early films. I mean, he never became the shambling revenant that Michael Myers was, but he definitely slowed down a bit towards the end of the series. That bit at the end of the trailer where he charges…I found that unsettling, in a very satisfying way.
I did notice that the voiceover for the trailer was clearly taken from Betsy Palmer’s dialog from the original movie. I know that they hired Nana Visitor to play Pamela Voorhees for this version (a nice little bit of Star Trek weirdness for the new film), but I’d heard that her scenes had been cut. This would seem to confirm that, which depresses me; if Mama Voorhees isn’t gonna be in it, that’ll hurt the film a lot, in my opinion.
On the other hand, check out this picture of the kid they got to play young Jason. Goodness gracious. Look at how far apart his eyes are, and how his head is just waaaaay too big for his body, and how his face doesn’t take up as much of it as it should. And dig those ears, so far down the side of his head! I mean, he’s not a terribly ugly kid or anything, but you can definitely see a bit of Jason in him even without makeup. Once they’ve got him in costume, that’s gonna be a creepy little bastard, huh?
So, on balance, and against my better judgment, I’m pretty excited about the new film. Who’s going to see it with me?