13 September 2008


So, as you all know, I moved recently. My new building has a laundry room. It’s good to have it, but I haven’t done anything with it yet. I go out to Mama’s every weekend to do my laundry. It’s a reason to spend a little time with her and the biscuits, and an excuse to drive a good distance at a time when gas prices have made driving for pleasure a luxury beyond my means.
The Palin, as governor of Alaska, was technically Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard. The GOP is pushing this as further proof that she’s ready to be VP and possibly President, if the need arises. They say she has experience as CIC, even though she never once in her 18 months on the job gave the Guard a single order.
Still, it’s technically true she has experience of being CIC, in the same sense that I have experience of the washer and dryer in my building: I’ve never actually used them, don’t really know how they work or how much they cost, but I’ve seen them, and it’s nice to know they’re there, I guess.

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