09 April 2005


Well, this is a little bizarre. I created this blog by accident, and now I have to think of something to say. And since I’m incredibly hung over and haven’t had much sleep, words are not going to come easy today. But I suppose I should start by telling my (hopefully soon-to-be loyal) readers who the hell I am.
I’m a cook and librarian (odd combo, there), an International Affairs major specializing in Eastern Europe, a political junkie, a former professional musician (well, semipro might be a better description), and a man of tremendous insight and wit (or so I like to tell myself). I am also, as you might have noticed, a man who is far too inclined to parenthetical statements. I’m a barfly, a voracious reader, and a serious basketball fan. Although I’m more or less settled now, at least until I graduate, I’ve spent a large chunk of my life traveling the country, doing odd jobs and living out of my van, and (fortunately) writing down every experience I had. There isn’t much I haven’t seen or done, which turns out to have been a better education than the one I’m currently spending so much money on.
As I say, I created this blog by accident, but now that I’ve got the crazy thing, I will try to do good by it. I am an amateur essayist, after all, and now that I can “publish” my screeds, I hope to become motivated. I expect that this will be something of an esoteric page, a little politics, a bit of discussion of a life heavily immersed in bar culture, with sidelines into bizarre stories from my travels and a whole lot of Knicks boosterism thrown in. Wish me luck. I expect to need it.
Oh, and my name is straight-up stolen from Skinny Puppy, the greatest band in the whole history of the world. Hope they don’t sue me.

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