05 September 2008

Working to make the world a better place=stupid

This is the thing about Republicans: they appeal to the worst bits of us. They appeal to everything that’s ugly in us, and we just keep going for it.
It 2000, Dubya ran on the “dumbass frat boy” platform. His whole campaign was based on being the smirking guy in the back of the class who didn’t get it, but made himself feel better by making fun of the kids who did.
Now there’s Sarah Palin and her big laugh line about a small-town mayor being like a community organizer, only with “actual responsibilities.” She used it at the convention, of course, and now she’s using it in her stump speeches. The Palin wants to make fun of community organizers who, among their many accomplishments, are the only reason she has the right to fucking vote.
Barack Obama got his start as a community organizer, of course, which is why she targets them. She doesn’t want to admit that these people do good work, because if she did, she’d be forced to face the fact that, while she was off winning beauty pageants, Obama was working hard on the Southside of Chicago, helping working people (those same working people that some inexplicably believe he’s “afraid” of) who had been ruined by the failed steel industry to salvage something and rebuild their lives.
But there is another reason for this line of attack.  See, there are still community organizers (of every political stripe) all across the country trying to do what politicians only pretend to do, which is to change the world and make it a better place. These are the people The Palin wants to turn into a national joke. Of course she does. She doesn’t want you to organize, because organized people rock the boat. She doesn’t want the boat rocked. She wants you to spend money and do what you’re told.
Dubya spent the 2000 campaign laughing at his intellectual superiors, and America laughed along, and he won (sorta). He proved that we’re stupid. Now The Palin is laughing at her moral superiors. She wants to prove that we’re not only stupid, but mean. Are you gonna laugh along?

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